Braess Paradox nco LOQO AMPL short origin; param demand >= 0; # Number of travelers set ROADS within (INTERSECTIONS diff {destination}) cross (INTERSECTIONS diff {origin}); param fixed_time {ROADS} >= 0; # Fixed travel time on a link param congestion_factor {ROADS} >= 0; # Flow-dependent effects var Flow {(i,j) in ROADS} >= 0; var Total_Cost; minimize BeckmannObj: sum {(i,j) in ROADS} ((fixed_time[i,j] * Flow[i,j]) + (1/2 * congestion_factor[i,j] * Flow[i,j]^2)); subject to Leave: sum {(origin,j) in ROADS} Flow[origin,j] = demand; subject to Arrive: sum {(i,destination) in ROADS} Flow[i,destination] = demand; subject to Balance {k in INTERSECTIONS diff {origin,destination}}: sum {(i,k) in ROADS} Flow[i,k] = sum {(k,j) in ROADS} Flow[k,j]; ]]> data; set INTERSECTIONS := a b c d; param origin := a; param destination := d; param demand := 6; param: ROADS: fixed_time congestion_factor := a b 50 1, a c 0 10, b d 0 10, c d 50 1; option loqo_options "timing=1 verbose=2"; printf "\n\n A DEMONSTRATION OF BRAESS' PARADOX \n\n"; printf "Case 1: Before the new road is built open\n\n"; solve; printf " The total travel time is: %6.2f.\n\n", sum {(i,j) in ROADS} (fixed_time[i,j]*Flow[i,j] + congestion_factor[i,j]*Flow[i,j]^2); printf " The flows are:\n"; display Flow; printf "\n\n\n"; printf "Case 2: After the new road (c,b) is built\n\n"; reset data; data; set INTERSECTIONS := a b c d; param origin := a; param destination := d; param demand := 6; param: ROADS: fixed_time congestion_factor := a b 50 1, a c 0 10, b d 0 10, c d 50 1, c b 10 1; solve; printf " The total travel time is: %6.2f.\n\n", sum {(i,j) in ROADS} (fixed_time[i,j]*Flow[i,j] + congestion_factor[i,j]*Flow[i,j]^2); printf " The flows are:\n"; display Flow; This problem is based on braess.mod available from